Japan Food Tips
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Japan Food Tips, Ling?


TIP 8 – Splurge if you have the budget

Japan has so many delicious cuisines and Michelin Star restaurants. Good sushi and Michelin Star restaurants in Singapore are expensive. For the same amount of money spent in Singapore, it could easily pay for 2 in Japan. Whenever possible, I’d take the opportunity to try out Michelin Star restaurants and sushi places in Japan.

So, if you can afford it, do check out the good restaurants in Japan. I’ve gone to Michelin Star restaurants where a good satisfying meal cost less that S$80. Just need to do the research.

Check this guide for Michelin Star and recommended restaurants.


Tip 9 – Hit the expensive spots for lunch

Want to try expensive restaurants but need to watch your pocket? A good way to manage your food budget is to go to the more expensive restaurants for lunch. There are usually lunch offers or value for money lunch set. Some lunch buffets are cheaper because they have a shorter time limit than dinner but there’s enough time to eat one’s fill. I try to go to Michelin Star restaurants for lunch where possible to better manage my food budget.


TIP 10 – Try a different dish every meal

Why not challenge yourself to try a different dish every meal? There are so many different types of food and cuisines in Japan; some of which are regional and only available in that location. I once tried to eat a new dish every meal on a 2-week trip; yet I couldn’t try everything.


TIP 11 – Take a walk around the neighbourhood

This is one very exciting option to just walk around the neighbourhood and see what you could discover. I had discovered a few interesting dining places just walking around, with some lunches costing only JPY500!


Extra Tip for when you’re driving

If you’re driving along expressways, do make a stop at service centres. Some are simple rest stops with vending machines, and some are like a small shopping mall with food court and souvenir shops. My family and friends enjoy stopping at such service centres / rest stops. These places usually sell local food specialties which you would not get a chance to try if you’re not visiting those cities/villages. Such stops are tourist spots not only for foreigners but also the Japanese when they travel.


Hope the above tips came in handy for your Japan Free & Easy trip planning. 😊

Need more tips? Check Ling’s Travel Tips.

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