Sunset at Dogashima
Japan,  Travel

201503 Tokyo-Izu Peninsula Road Trip Day 7

201503 Tokyo-Izu Trip Day 7 (Izu Peninsula Road Trip Day 3) – 31 Mar 2015, Tuesday

Our aim for the day was to eat Izu Peninsula seafood, visit a number of places of interest on the southern part of Izu Peninsula before swinging over to the west. After a breakfast of Nissin Chilli Tomato Cup Noodles, we checked out of Shimoda Tokyo Hotel. We decided to stop at the rocky beach on the way to Mount Nesugata. The sun was bright and the sea shimmered with many shinning diamond lights. It was quite refreshing starting our day with fresh air and nature.


Shimoda Ropeway

After getting our fill of the salty air, we drove to the Shimoda Ropeway Station. Going on the Shimoda Ropeway gave us a view of Shimoda city from above. We even spotted Shimoda Castle from the ropeway.


Mount Nesugata (Nesugatayama)

At the top of Shimoda Ropeway was Mount Nesugata (Nesugatayama) Observatory, the spot where Commodore Matthew C. Perry’s Black Ships were first sighted in 1984. Commodore Perry had sailed with the war ships to force United State’s request on Japan to open up their ports to US ships. There were a number of tourist spots in Shimoda related to Commodore Perry and even a cruise around the bay in a black ship.

Mount Nesugata, part of Fuji Hakone Izu National Park, had a beautiful park. There was a flower report signboard where visitors could see what flowers were in bloom during their visit.

It was a pleasant walk during our visit in Spring as we got to enjoy the beautiful flowers in bloom with good weather. Quite glad that our Izu Peninsula visit was filled with lots of colours.


Aizendo Temple

Aizendo Temple, a popular power spot for marriage, was at the top of Mount Nesugata. It was a popular spot among Japanese ladies to pray for a good partner and marriage. SY and I lighted some incense and said a prayer at Aizendo. So did it work? I don’t think its marriage power was that great, as SY and I are still single! Maybe it only worked for Japanese as we made our prayers in English. 🤔

There was a spot where visitors could pay for Nagomidama (clayballs) and throw them through the Ring for Harmony and Peace. I managed to throw the Nagomidama through the ring and life has been good so far. 😊

After spending the morning at Mount Nesugata, we continued to our next stop. Initially SY was to drive, but there was a bit of an incident. We decided it was better that I drove for the rest of the trip instead.

Next: Seafood Lunch

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